รหัสสินค้า : BASF-015
ราคา : 0.00 บาท
[1 กรกฎาคม 2559 14:38 น.] (จำนวนผู้เข้าชม 4882)
MasterEmaco® S 5400 (formerly Known as Emaco Nanocrete R4)
High-strength, shrinkage compensated, fibre reinforced, structural repair mortar
MasterEmaco S 5400 is a single component, extra high-strength, high modulus, shrinkage compensated structural repair mortar that meets the requirements of the new European Norm EN 1504 part 3 class R4. MasterEmaco S 5400 contains Portland cement, graded sands, selected polymer fibres and special additives to significantly reduce the risk and incidence of shrinkage cracking. When mixed with water, it forms a highly thixotropic mortar that can easily be spray or trowel applied.
MasterEmaco S 5400 is used for the structural repair of concrete elements such as:
- Columns, piers and cross beams of all bridges
- Cooling towers and chimneys and other industrial environments
- Water treatment and sewerage facilities
- Tunnels, pipes, outfalls and all below ground construction especially in harsh ground conditions
- Marine structures
- Versatile – Can be applied inside and outside, on vertical and overhead surfaces, in dry and wet environments Shrinkage compensation systems and fibre reinforcement – Minimise crack tendency
- Highly thixotropic – Can be applied up to 50 mm without the need of secondary reinforcement
- High early and ultimate strengths – Matches high strength concrete found in structures
- Outstanding workability – Easy placing and finishing for applicators
- High modulus and excellent adhesion – Ensuring load transfer in structural repair
- Excellent freeze/thaw resistance – Suitable for all climates
- High carbonation resistance – Suitable for exposed repairs in urban environments
- Sulphate resistant – Suitable for contact with ground waters
- Very low permeability to water and chlorides – Protection of reinforcing steel
- Low chromate (Cr[VI] < 2 ppm ) – Low risk of skin irritation
- Chloride-free – Does add to the chloride load in contaminated structures.